When your marriage ends, there are a lot of things to think about. Finances, parenting, and financial support all need to be considered and resolved when one or both parties decide that the marriage is over. Maybe you’ve been thinking about ending the marriage or you were served divorce/legal separation papers. You need a strong advocate on your side to help guide you through the process.
In both divorce and legal separation proceedings, the court will decide property division, child support, spousal maintenance, and a parenting plan. There are many reasons some people decide to remain legally married, but financially separate themselves through a legal separation. There are key differences between legal separation and divorce so the Carroll Law Group, PLLC is here to help you determine which option may be right for you.
Even if you and your significant other aren’t married and merely live together, in Washington State the courts may consider that you are in a Committed Intimate Relationship, which affects your property rights to both you and your partner’s property.
In Washington State, can my marriage be annulled?
We get asked this a lot. In fairly rare cases, marriages can be annulled – or, declared legally invalid. In order to obtain an annulment you need to establish that your relationship falls under one of the statutorily recognized exceptions. We can help you decide if this is the right process for you.